Cultural Tables

During our festival, we will have a non-stage activities area for arts, crafts and presentations. This is an alternative opportunity for communities to showcase their cultures with a display table. Please keep in mind that display space is limited and the displays will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.

  • We encourage you to have children from your community volunteer at your table as we’d like to foster more interaction between children.
  • All cultural tables will need to be setup before the festival starts on Saturday, at 11:00 AM. You can access the building as early as 9:00 AM.
  • We can provide you with load/unload permits that will get you in the Seattle Center grounds.  The load/unload permit allows you to bring your vehicle to the front of Fisher Pavilion outside of festival hours.  You can unload up to 10:00AM (with 09:30AM being the latest entry).  Please note that Seattle Center requires all vehicles to be removed by 10:00 AM.
  • Tear down begins at 6:00PM. You can begin bringing your vehicles to load after the program ends and the visitors leave.
  •  Please don’t leave your table unattended. The main reason is we want children to learn about your culture.  If you don’t have any helpers and need to step away, please call on one of the roaming volunteers to stand in for you.
  • To protect the health of participants, volunteers and guests: 
    • All volunteers working at cultural tables are required to be fully vaccinated.
    • We will have enough space around cultural tables.
    • We will provide hand sanitizers for each cultural table.
    • We won’t be serving food during the festival.
    • We are reducing/replacing the games and activities that are hands on or based on physical materials to minimize the physical contact. We will be bringing some digital games activities that can be participated in by personal mobile phones.
  • To reduce the physical contact and hands on games, we planned to use a digital game, Kahoot, that can be played by personal mobile phones without exchanging any paper, or pen, etc. More details about the game will be provided 2 weeks before the festival.